Downdraft Spray Paint Booth
Paint booth devices typically refer to any type of structure that is designed to prevent contamination and unwanted airflow in areas involving painting. Over the years these technologies and industries have greatly improved. These products come in a variety of configurations ranging as small as a benchtop paint booth or as big as an aircraft paint booth.
Since the term paint booth can be somewhat a broad term there are a number of factors to consider when selecting the best paint booth for your application.
Paint booths offer a number of distinct advantages when used correctly. Cross-draft paint booths are very economical because they require the least amount of materials.
This type of paint booth does not require an upper plenum which is necessary for various other types of paint booths. Side draft paint booths are ideal for creating an even pattern of airflow around the painting area. This style of paint booth pulls the unwanted contaminates down and away from the finish. The disadvantage of this paint booth is it can be rather expensive as it requires ductwork and a number of exhaust fans. The user is also limited in the number of places he or she can stand so the overspray is caught in the airflow.
Thermocoat provides solutions where the customer is struggling whether it’s about space problems in the working area. considering area usage we modified and designed many spray painting booths where we can minimize area usage of the plant.
Downdraft is one of the work efficient and the area-efficient booths we have. in which instead of using side area for paint extraction we use the ground area for the extraction part using filters or water tank we can utilize our system efficiently in small space.